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Friday, June 29, 2012
I recently broke my ankle while hiking in the Great Smokey Mountains. My doctor suggested to me a few different exercises to strengthen my ankle and leg muscles that weren't being used while I was on crutches and in a walking boot. Unfortunately, none of the basic physical therapy exercises were making much of a difference. I kept finding myself favoring my good leg or worse, completely losing my balance.
I bought the Theraband Stability Trainer in hopes that I could make a little improvement. I was blown away by how quickly I was able to rebuild muscle strength and regain my balance. I started out slowly with the green foam pad, but within just a few days I graduated to the blue foam pad. At first it was challenging, but I hung in there and I could tell each day that my ankle was feeling better. It wasn't giving out nearly as often and I wasn't using the hand rails in my house anymore. Finally, I used the black air-filled board to help push me over the top.
I am positive that this product would help anyone who needed to re-strengthen an ankle, knee, or back. In fact, my core got as much of a workout as my legs and that really made a huge difference in my balance. I highly recommend the Theraband Stability Trainer for anyone on the mend.

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by: DME Supply Group


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