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Friday, July 31, 2009
DME carries a full selection of surgical instruments, such as these Adson Tissue Forceps and Lister Bandage Scissors. Or what about this Mayo Instrument Stand?
We've also got Operating Scissors and these Tissue Forceps. And lets not forget these Mayo Hegar Needle Holders. Ah, well. More soon. Have a great day! Labels: adson tissue forceps, bandage scissors, surgical instruments by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Have a I mentioned the on-line graphic novel, Athra? Well, if I hadn't, now I have. So there. That's not medical related, I just thought I would mention it. We have a full selection of reusable pants and briefs, like the Sir Dignity Fitted Brief, or these Dignity Men's Boxer Shorts. Or these Lady Dignity Panties, which are made from a soft poly/cotton blend fabric delicately edged with lace. Stretch-lock, moisture-proof pouch sewn into panty holds super-absorbent liner in place without leakage or discomfort. Free absorbent liner included. And they are, of course, entirely washable. And we've got HealthDri Men's Heavy Briefs and HealthDri Ladies Heavy Panties from the Salk Company. And don't forget these Net Pants. And that's still barely scratching the surface. We've got Disposable Pants, such as these TENA Comfort Pants. More disposable briefs and underwear, too, such as these Surecare Protective Underwear. And these adult protective pull-ups and underwear. And these useful disposable undergarments. And don't forget those disposable liner pads. More later. Bye! Labels: adult briefs, incontinence, wings choice plus adult briefs by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
We have recently sold some 3M© Steri-Strip© Adhesive Skin Closures (Reinforced). 3m says you can rely on Steri-Strip skin closures to make wound closure fast and simple. The non-invasive technique reduces tissue trauma and patient comfort is improved, or so they say. Using Steri-Strip skin closures gives increased tensile strength to the wound and there is less scarring from puncture marks or cross-hatching produced by sutures or staples.
We also offer a wide variety of other Tape Closures. We also sold a Medline U-Shaped Universal Mesh Sling with Head Support. Universal slings, or U slings for short, allow for easier application than full body slings. The universal sling molds around the body easily, eliminating the need to pull the sling under and risk skin injury or discomfort. They are available in mesh or full deluxe padded styles. Six point connectivity increases safety and weight distribution for superior comfort. And they are also, of course, available with full head support. And we just sold a S'port All Shorts (women, white, medium) from Chattanooga. Need to find some pictures for that stuff. We get a limited supply of good descriptions and data from Chattanooga, unfortunately. More soon. Ta-ta! Labels: 3m, steri-strip, sutures, tape closures, u-shaped universal mesh slings by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Touch-Test Sensory Evaluators (these are the 3.84)--part of our selection of sensory evaluation and monofilaments--just sold. The same person also bought a 4.08 Touch-Test Sensory Evaluator and a 4.17 Touch-Test Sensory Evaluator. So there.
Sold a 2315BL Manometer--the measuring meter for a blood pressure sphygmomanometer--for models 165NBL, 175, 240, 242, 202S, and 200. We also just sold another Adjustable Folding Walker (a case of 2) from Apex/Carex Healthcare. That's a walker that folds to only 4" for easy storage and portability. It's sports a large, single-button release that can be operated even by those with limited dexterity. It also features vinyl handgrips for comfort and a double crossbrace for added stability. The weight capacity is 300 lbs. We also just sold this handy, dandy electronic muscle stimulator. We also just sold a case of Compleat blenderized tube feeding formula. Complea formula is a blenderized tube feeding for patients with intolerance to semi-synthetic formulas. Formulated with chicken, peas, carrots, tomatoes and cranberry juice. Cranberry juice may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. The fiber blend with Benefiber soluble fiber helps promote beneficial bacteria and normal bowel function. Compleat formula is a Medical Food, so consumers should consult with their physician on the use of this product. Awright. Enough for now. More later. Thanks for coming by! Labels: compleat, electronic muscle stimulator, monofilaments, sensory evaluators, touch-test by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
We recently sold some Medline Hydrocerin Cream, which is nice, but sales overall have been lagging. Hello, hope and change. Sheesh.
We recently also sold some Medline Medicine Time Cards and Medication Envelopes. Look, I'll take it. Whatever we can sell. Also, we recently sold a Side Hemi Walker/Cane. These are designed for individuals with the use of only one hand or arm. They are lighter than a walker and more stable than a cane, and weighs only 3.5 Lbs. Features an adjustable height of 29.5" to 37" and folds easily with one hand. It is ideal for users who do not require a walker but need a wider base for support. We also sold a folding steel commode. To an organization that has something to do with Disabled Explorers. Which is pretty darn cool. Labels: hydrocerin cream, medication envelopes, medicine time cards by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Not sure how it'll work out. It's kind of expensive--not in and of itself, but because there's a per product charge, and we carry a lot of products that don't necessarily sell, but we offer them in order to be a full-service provider.
But here's a sample search for Ostomy products, for example. Definitely better than the typical Yahoo search results for "ostomy", I'm sure you will agree. Here's a search for "needles and syringes" using the new Nextopia search engine. Surely, better than the native Yahoo! Store search, but is it enough to justify the expense? That . . . that is the question. Here's a search for IV Poles using the Grid view. Pretty cool. Can sort by price and refine results and see how many results you've gotten . . . all the stuff the Yahoo! store search doesn't give us. And Yahoo! started out as a search engine. That's just kinda sad. Ah, well. More later, friends and neighbors. Labels: ecommerce search, medical supplies, nextopia, search engines, yahoo store by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Monday, July 27, 2009
We have standard surgical packs, like the Medline Basic Cysto-Turp Pack (Latex Free) or the Medline Laminectomy Pack. Or what about this highly useful Medline Basic Core Pack? That one includes 1 basic emesis basin, a gradiuated bulb syringe, a cautery pencile, a surgical drap, gauze, a gown, wet tray, o.r. basin, yankauer bulbs and more.
We've also got body fat measurers, like this baseline medical skinfold caliper. For something fancier, you could try this Body Logic Fat Analyzer. The athlete mode provides an accurate result for athletes (whatever that means). tje additional body mass index reading provides added tracking ability, it allows you to save time with 9 personal profile memory. The Body Logic Fat Analyzer provides accurate and quick results in 7 seconds. We also have lots of fine Medline Urine Meters and basic urinalysis supplies, some limited EKG supplies and ECG and Electrocardiograph supplies. As well as post-mortem supplies, like shroud sheets and post-mortem kits. Well, that's that for now. More later. Labels: cysto-turp, laminectomy pack, standard surgical packs by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Looking for some Leukotape? Well, look no further. We've got plenty of Leukotape options in our section devoted to Tapes and Adherent Wraps. Ever wondered what the difference between Leukotape and Kinesiotape is? Well, click on that link to find out.
I'm very excited about our updates to our scooters and power wheelchairs section, adding a lot of great information about products like the ActiveCare Renegade Power Wheelchair (the one colored blue) at our website. So, check that out, huh? Now, what have we sold recently, you are no doubt not asking yourself, but I am asking myself, because it is very important to me. The answer is simple. We've sold this Cando Foam Roller, white. We've also sold this Invacare Magnetrainer Exercise Pulley Set. And we just sold a bunch of Kelly Placenta Forceps. Hope we have enough in stock! And hope it's the right thing. Unfortunately, Graham-Field doesn't have a great description of their placenta forceps. We just sold another 4 Leg, 2 Hook I.V. Pole. We sell a lot of those. And I'm glad. We also sold a Mettler Sonicator Plus 994, 4-Channel Ultrasound Unit, but that order was almost certainly fraudulent. Too bad for our bottom line, but, oh well. We also sold another Polar Heart Monitor. We seem to be selling a lot of those. I hope they are everything our customers are expecting they will be. Returns aren't any fun for anybody. Let me tell you. More products on the cutting edge of healthcare soon. Have a great day! BTW, on a totally unrelated note, if you never read the Blue Sky Disney blog, you should. Especially if you love Disney or the Disney Theme Parks. More soon! Labels: leukotape, placenta forceps, power wheelchairs, scooters by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We have a wide selection of products for Tracheostomy Care and Health. We've got a full selection of suction catheters, such as this Tracheal Suction Catheter and Sleeve.
It features a clear plastic sleeve which envelopes a plastic suction catheter. The sleeve slides over exudate to reduce potential clinician contact. The whistle tip and side eyes help minimize trauma to delicate mucosal tissue. Thumb valve permits continuous or intermittent suction. There is also the issue of tracheostomy humidification. For that, we offer the Aqua Plus Flex Disposable Hygroscopic Condenser Humidifier, the Thermovent Heat and Moisture Exchanger, and Ballard Tracheostomy Care Heat Moist Exchanger and Filter. We also have the all-important tracheostomy suction pumps and accessories. Such as this aspirator, this disposable collection jar, this Invacare suction machine, this improved portable suction pump. Or this Medline Hydrophobic Filter. It looks like the Sears pool filter we used to have for the above-ground pool when I was a kid. But it's not. Medline's Vac-Assist Suction Aspirator is simple to use and has rugged construction to withstand the rigors of homecare use. It is also great for the crash cart. Features convenient electrical storage. We have a wide variety of tracheostomy care and cleaning products as well. Like this complete tracheostomy cleaning tray. Or this Invacare Tracheostomy Care Kit. And we have plenty of Tracheostomy Tubes. For example, the Shiley Reusable Cannula Cuffless Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tubes. Or these Cuffed D.I.C. Tracheostomy Tubes. Finally, we have plenty of various tracheostomy incidentals and accessories. Like this useful ShowerShield Rubber Collar or this StomaShield Cover. Or this twill tape. Or this Phonate Speaking Valve. Dang, we have a lot of stuff. So come on by. I'll be waiting for you with bells on. Seriously. I'm wearing bells. God bless, and have a great day. Labels: mucosal tissue, speaking valve, stomashield, suction catheters, tracheostomy, tracheostomy care, twill tape by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Here at DME Supply Group, we offer a full selection of lotions, powders and creams for skin care and protection, such as Aloe Vesta Skin Cream, from Convatec. Or Secura Protective Cream, which contains 10% protective zinc oxide, clove oil which is a natural deodorant, vitamin E and Allotin to condition and moisturize the skin. HCPCS: A6250, in case you were curious.
And don't forget Sween Body Powder (formerly Fordustin Body Powder) with Noncaking, Natural Corn Starch. From Coloplast Corporation. We also carry a wide selection of skin barrier products. Such as Dermagran Ointment, a pH balanced zinc-nutrient formulation. It provides a protective barrier to promote healing. It is intended for stage I and II pressure sores and preventive skin care. We also have Coloplast Pericare Barrier Ointment (HCPCS: A6250, Part# COL1006). We also carry Smith & Nephew's No-Sting Skin Prep, which forms a protective film to prepare skin for tapes and adhesives. Its nonalcohol formula minimizes stinging or irritation. Great for sensitive stoma areas. Thick formula for patient comfort during application; only one coat needed. Easy to use, even on awkward areas. Moves naturally with patients skin; wont crack or peel. Removes easily and leaves behind no sticky residue. We also have a few antifungal and antimicrobial skin products, such as Mitrazol Powder and Aloe Vesta Antifungal Ointment from Convatec. But that's just the beginning. Do we have diabetic skin care products like Diabet-X Callus Treatment? Check. Do we have perineal skin cleaners? Oh, yes, my friend, we do. Aloe Vest Perineal Skin Cleanser, Secura Personal Cleanser, Baza Cleans and Protect, Secura Moisturizing Cleanser, Bedside-Care Perineal Wash, Easiclense Skin Cloth . . . stop me when you've heard enough, okay? Okay. We also carry a variety of products for skin pressure protection. Like Silicore Foot Pillows. I've got a lot of foot pain. Maybe I should pick some of those up. They provide pressure relief to feet, heels and ankles with Velcro closures. Hmm. I could use some of those. Also, we have stuff like Kodel Heel and Elbow Protectors and Heel Floats. So, if you need some, come on by. And find healing creams and scar relief gels under our Miscellaneous Skin Care section. More later! Labels: aloe vesta skin cream, antifungal creams, antimicrobial lotions, diabetic skin care, perineal skin cleanser, secura protective cream, skin pressure protection by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Just recently sold an economy otoscope from American Diagnostic Corp. Indeed, we have a Otoscopes and Opthalmoscopes to spare! This particular one, from American Diagnostic Corp., is an affordable otoscope that offers high quality optics and workmanship. This one is a chrome-plated brass instrument and comes with a knurled grip and satin finish. It is Bayonet-mounted, with a locking otoscope head. Features a reostatic power switch and a 4X magnifying lens, which slides away for instrumentation. This compact instrument is just 7(1/2)"L and weighs 7 oz. Includes leatherette carrying case, 3 reusable specula (2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 mm).
Speaking of economy, how about these Medline Economy Enema Bags? How'd you like that segue? We have a number of enema supplies, but these particular economy enema bags from Medline are inexpensive, designed with a spill proof valve on the 1500 cc enema bag, and feature an easy-use funnel top. The 54'' soft vinyl tube has a pre-lubricated, smooth, non-traumatic tip with rounded eyes for safety and easy insertion. Which is important, when it comes to administering enemas. The set also contains a moisture-proof, castile soap packet and a plastic shut- off clamp. Everything you need. More very soon. Very, very soon. Labels: economy otoscope, enema bags by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Monday, July 20, 2009
We just sold a 3 Shelf Multi-Use Mobile Therapy Cart. I hope it was someone who knows what they wanted exactly because, unfortunately, the vendor doesn't supply us with a lot of detail on this product.
We also sold an Analog T.E.N.S. with 2" Tens Pre-gelled Electrodes. It has dual channel, modulation/burst/standard modes, and comes complete with accessories and carrying case. We also recently sold a box of 3cc Slip Tip Syringes. I hope they ordered by the part# (TERSS03S) or something close to it, because we didn't get a picture from the vendor, and don't have any real description from them, either. Ah, the trials and tribulations of trying to provide good products to good people through an on-line retail web store. We also sold a 2000T T.E.N.S. Stimulator recently. Got a reasonably good description, though it comes from Graham-Field and I'm struggling to get the names to make the most sense possible, since they put important info in different places, and one global solution for every products ends up with weird names like "The 2000T Stimulator Warranty: 5-year warranty". More very soon. Yay! Labels: 2000t Stimulator, 3cc syringes, analog tens, mobile therapy cart by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Friday, July 17, 2009
There are a lot of options in regards to urological catheters. That includes catheter trays, like the Touchless Intermittent Catheter Kit. External Latex catheters, like the Gizmo Male External Catheter. That's a two-piece catheter system. The system includes male external catheter, with single-sided adhesive strip. Pure, soft, natural, latex-reinforced funnel end. Adhesive does not come in contact with skin. And it's twist-proof. So, yay! There are also External Nonlatex Catheters, like the InView Special External Catheter, or the Conveen Security Self-sealing Male External Catheters, the Freedom Clear Catheter, and more. External reusable catheters, like the McGuire Male Urinal, also have their place. A Foley catheter is a thin, sterile tube inserted into your bladder to drain urine. Because it can be left in place in the bladder for a period of time, it is also called an indwelling catheter. It is held in place with a balloon at the end, which is filled with sterile water to hold it in place. The urine drains into a bag and can then be taken from an outlet device to be drained. Laboratory tests can be conducted on your urine to look for infection, blood, muscle breakdown, crystals, electrolytes, and kidney function. The procedure to insert a catheter is called catheterization. A Foley catheter is used with many disorders, procedures, or problems such as these: Retention of urine leading to urinary hesitancy, straining to urinate, decrease in size and force of the urinary stream, interruption of urinary stream, and sensation of incomplete emptying. Obstruction of the urethra by an anatomical condition that makes it difficult for you to urinate: prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancer, or narrowing of the urethra. Urine output monitoring in a critically ill or injured person. Collection of a sterile urine specimen for diagnostic purposes. Nerve-related bladder dysfunction, such as after spinal trauma (A catheter can be inserted regularly to assist with urination.) Also used for imaging study of the lower urinary tracts and after surgery. We also carry intermittent catheters and touchless catheters. So, please keep me employed and let me feed my family and, if you need any of these things, come buy them from my company. Thanks! Labels: external latex catheters, external nonlatex catheters, urological catheters by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Today, I'm showcasing some of our nursing supplies. This includes nursing instruments, a wide selection of applicators and tongue blades (also known as "tongue depressors"). That's an unpleasant sounding thing to call them, isn't it? Not depressors, but "tongue blades". Sounds a little too sharp, for my taste.
We offer a full section of critical care equipment and accessories, such as CPR barrier shields, and Lifesaver CPR Boards. This anatomically contoured board allows practitioners to place the patient at the optimum position for CPR treatment. Recessed handles help with lifting and positioning. Not pleasant to think of, but certainly an important part of nursing: enemas. Such as these Medline disposable Enema bags, or this Medline Sodium Phosphate enema. We also offer a full selection of exam table paper and drapes. So, keep it in mind. More later. Have a great day! Labels: cpr barrier shields, nursing instruments, nursing supplies, tongue depressors by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gait Belts have proven to be helpful to use in the transfer of patients or to gain a secure hold on Alzheimer's patients that are prone to falls. A Gait Belt also provides a secure way to steady or guide patients when transferring or walking. And we have a number of them. On the issu of enteral nutrition, I should mention we have a number of Feeding Bags and Pump Sets. Also a selection of just feeding pumps. And feeding tubes. We also carry a lot of tube feeding nutritional supplies, such as COMPLEAT Closed System. Containers. Compleat formula is a blenderized tube feeding closed container system for patients with intolerance to semi-synthetic formulas. Formulated with chicken, peas, carrots, tomatoes and cranberry juice. Cranberry juice may help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. The fiber blend with Benefiber soluble fiber helps promote beneficial bacteria and normal bowel function. Compleat formula is a Medical Food, so consumers should consult with their physician on the use of this product. 'aight. Later. Labels: enteral nutrition, feeding bags, feeding pumps, feeding tubes, gait belts by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]() Ah, the Babinski Hammer. It is the instrument of choice for, neurologists and is named after the French Neurologist, Joseph Francois Babinski, best known for the "toe phenomenon". This diagnostic instrument is also often referred to as the Rabiner for the version with a swivel head. Modern Babinski Hammers are often modified to incorporate contemporary design and functionality for eliciting myotatic and plantar response with less effort and greater patient comfort. Then there's the Wartenburg Pinwheel. You've got to love that name. It designed for evaluation of gross cutaneous sensory perception and pain perception responses. Another item we have recently made a sale with is Elta Dry Hydrogel TD by Elta Swiss American PDT. This is a highly useful ultra thin, highly conformable, sterile, multilayered absorptive wound dressings that has four layers: Acrylic Skin Adhesive, Polyester Knit Fabric, Dry Hydrogel, and Polyurethane Film. The dry hydrogel offers controlled absorption and provides superior fluid management for a longer period of time. Made for the management of dermal ulcers and superficial wounds. More soon. Later my medical, clinical, and home healthcare friends. Labels: babinski hammers, elta dry hydrogel, wartenburg pinwheel by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Looking for some A&D Ointment? Well, we've got it, along with a lot of other Topical Treatments, Ointments, Balms and Salves.
Feeding bags and pump sets. We've got them, and at terrific prices. And you'd better believe that, buster. Like our Kangaroo Pump Sets with the Easy Cap Closure. Looking for the Strolleasy Wheelchair? Well, technically, it's called the Strolleasy Portable Transport Wheelchair. Please note, this is an extremely lightweight portable transport. It's not for bariatric use, and even those more than a little overweight may wish to consider another product. This is a lightweight product and not designed to support more than average weight. This, why it's lightweight and portable. We've also sold more than one 8 by 10 gauze pad. So, if you need 'em, I want to make sure that you know that we have them. Booyah! Need a sterile lubricant? How about the Medline Surgilube Sterile Lubricant? This sterile lubricant is a unique blend of natural, water-soluble gums. It allows for easy, comfortable insertion of catheters, endoscopes and surgical instruments. Are you in a cast? Broke an arm or leg and need a little cast comfort? Well, may I recommend some Cast Comfort Spray? Cast Comfort Spray is a unique aerosol spray that keeps casted patients happy, because it is designed to be used under the cast stopping the unbearable itching by soothing the skin and helping to eliminate embarassing cast odor. Ewww. Cast Comfort Spray is safe effective and easy to use. A thin plastic applicator tube allows you to direct the cooling soothing aerosol spray directly on the problem area. Medical-grade alcohol stops the itch. Talc soothes and smooths the skin. A special drying agent helps control moisture. Sodium bicarbonate and a light fragrance absorb and prevent odor. Searching for a vortex spacer? Does that mean you want a VORTEX Non Electrostatic Valved Holding Chamber? VORTEX© delivery system for MDI's (metered dose inhalers) provides a consistent, optimal dose by eliminating static charge with a metallic holding chamber. VORTEX© delivers up to 73% more drug availability than plastic spacers. Clear mouthpiece allows for visual confirmation of the drug delivery into the chamber. Dishwasher safe, economical and latex-free, can be used with all brands of metered dose inhalers. So, cool. Fortunately, I've never need to use a Grafco rectal dilator. They are machined and polished, smooth, clear acrylic dilators. Cold sterilizable. Latex-free. But none of that makes them sound more appealing to me. Need a Dycem roll, clear? We got it, much like that pictured above. However, if you're searching for Triderma products like TriDerma Diabetic Bruise Defense, TriDerma Eczema Fast Healing, Triderma Facial Redness Repair, Triderma Scar Reliever Gel, or TriDerma Intense Fast Healing Cream, we have them all. We have them all! Searching for gait belt sales? We've got gait belts, and plenty of them. Come on by, you gait belt needing person, you. Looking for soothe cool INZO antifungal cream? Yes, we have it. And Plenty of it. Browse them all, and more, in our OR (operating room) skin care and skin prep section. Wonder where to buy Medline bordered gauze? Wonder no more! We've got Medline bordered gauze, and plenty of it. Come on by. All right. Enough for now. But more later. And you can count on it. Labels: ad ointment, feeding bags and pump sets, kangaroo pump sets by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Looking for flannel rubber bed sheeting? We've got it. And we have separate waterproof rubber sheeting and flannel sheeting, and you can combine at will.
And what's a sheet without a handy home healthcare bed, and, for that matter, a pillow? Like this Jackson Pillow. Jackson Pillows are designed with firm polyester fiber at each end of the pillow to position the head and neck, with softer support in the middle for comfort. These pillows reduce head, neck, shoulder and back discomfort. They correctly align the spine, keeping the upper body and back muscles relaxed and free from tension. Jackson Pillows also Support the neck and cradle the head, keeping the airway open and free from obstruction. And we've got 'em. Oh, yes. We do. More in the very near future. Labels: flannel sheeting, rubber sheeting, waterproof sheets by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
If you need some InterDry Ag© Textile with Antimicrobial Silver Complex, we got it.
InterDry© Ag Textiles are a skin fold management system specially designed to manage moisture, odor and inflammation in skin folds and other skin-to-skin contact areas. A knitted polyester textile impregnated with silver complex, InterDry© Ag textile provides effective antimicrobial action for up to five days and significantly improves the symptoms associated with intertrigo: maceration, denudement, inflammation, itching, erythema and satellite lesions. The textile fune functions by wicking moisture away to keep skin dry and provides a friction reducing surface to reduce the risk of skin tears and pressure ulcers. These flexible tape measures feature inches on one side and centimeters on the other. They are, fortunately, available in three different lengths. Keep it in mind: disposable infant tape measures keep conditions sanitary. And we also recently sold some Viraguard Disinfectant Cleaner. We sell a number of disinfectants, btw, including Viraguard. We also sell a variety of sanitary belts. Just so ya know. And, for bath safety, we've got a variety of suction rails. So, come on by, and see if we can't help you out. Labels: antimicrobial silver complex, bath safety, interdry textiles, suction rails, tape measurers, textiles, viraguard by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
I've updated the old, pre-Wordpress version of the DME Supply Group blog at LiveJournal. Just trying to mix it up a little bit. Do a little more than just blog here. You know, variety really is the spice of life.
I've mentioned before that we've got transfer benches and shower benches. Like this groovy Pollenex Solid Teakwood Spa Bench. It's a Conair Solid Teakwood Seat Spa Bench. It has matte aluminum handles and non-slip rubber footpads. Also comes with adjustable skid proof feet add up to 5 extra inches in height. Or this Mega-Groovy Folding Shower Chair. And whaddaya think about that? I like it. This lightweight, portable seat folds quickly and easily to just 7 1/2"D for storage or travel. It is a contoured and durable plastic seat and backrest. which is textured for added safety. The 16 3/4"W anodized aluminum frame won't rust. Legs are fixed at a comfortable 17 1/2" seat height. It has a 250 lb weight capacity. Labels: folding shower chair, shower benches, spa bench, transfer benches by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hey, if you need it, this stuf is a life saver. What stuff do I refer to? Tranquility Premium OverNight Disposable Absorbent Protective Undergarments. These handy adult undergarments are designed for maximum protection. They hold over a quart of liquid for uninterupted sleep. The soft breathable fabric has an ample, full-rise waist panel, and they have handy tear-away side seams allow for easy removal. Kufguards® (the trademarked brand name for the inner leg cuffs) make for excellent leakage protection. And they come with blue leg elastics that indicate overnight protection on Medium to X-Large. So, there ya go. Go get some, people. Labels: absorbent underwear, adult diapers, adult undergarments, incontinence, tranquility premium overnight by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Want some Extra Ileostomy B Odor-proof Pouches? We got 'em. They are Rustle-free, soft, pliable films made by Bard Medical Division.
We've also got Kendall Healthcare Insulin Syringes with needles. And we've got great 4-Way Clavicle Straps from Complete Medical. Keep in mind, we've got lots of great back and abdominal supports. So, come on, check 'em out. Labels: bard medical division, ileostomy, odor-proof pouches by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Need a Polar F1 Heart Monitor? Well, we got it.
![]() Great for beginners new to heart-rate monitoring during workouts, the Polar F1 provides a simple, yet highly accurate gauge for getting the most from your exercise sessions. You can use the F1 monitor to conveniently view your heart rate while walking, swimming, cross-country skiing, or any other exercise without disturbing your exercise rhythm. It comes with the F1 wrist unit (which resembles a watch), a transmitter that's worn comfortably around your chest, and an elastic strap to hold the transmitter in place. The Polar A3 offers a step up in features, including targeted heart rate zones with visual and audible alarms. The display indicates average heart rate and total exercise time. The Exercise Time Indicator has six different bullets, each representing 10 minutes. One cycle of bullets takes 60 minutes. When all the bullets are filled in, the cycle starts again. Feature Detail:
![]() It relieves pain and stress, and you can't beat that. It's constructed of poly/cotton blend fiber, it promotes better support and comfort while maintaining shape, it keeps your head, neck and spine in proper alignment at all times in any sleeping position. And it has just the proper amount of give in fiber filling ensures support without hindering circulation. All right. Enough for now. More later. Labels: cervical anti-stress pillow, polar heart monitor by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Looking for an Aircast Cryo/Cuff System Knee Cooler? We got one. And what about a Rotary Ring Cutter Blade? Sold one of those just recently. And if you need a Scooter Arm Tote CarryON!, we've got that too. It's a zippered mesh pouch with outer pockets that attaches easily to the side area of your scooter arm. It allows immediate access to all valuables and personal items. And it's black. Can't beat that.
More later! C-ya! Labels: aircast, knee cooler by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Need an Arm Sling Swathe? We have a good one. What about a high-temperature surgical cautery pen? Yes, we have that, too. We also carry Medihoney Hydrocolloid Wound and Burn Dressing. If you need it, we got it, and at a great price. Crypton Gold Food and Proteing Stain Remover - 24 Bottles! For only $88.44! This is a deal. Snatch it up while it lasts. Keep rollin' on. More later, people. Labels: arm sling, arm sling swathe by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]() |