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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
One of the most common injuries to occur to both young children and senior adults is a fall in the shower. These quick accidents can cause a lot of damage to your body or your head. Not everyone can afford to install a walk in shower with safety seating. However a few easy, affordable steps can turn a really dangerous place in your home into a much safer place.
![]() ![]() The bottom of the Mat is made up of over 275 suction cups that secure a firm grip on the bath floor. These cups also allow air pockets and cushions of air to flow under the mat so that your tub will drain easily each and every time you take a shower. Another product that is easy to install and easy on the pocket book is a bath rail. This Floor to Tub Bath Rail is perfect for stability when getting in and out of the tub. With your feet secure on the bath mat and your hand securely on the rail, getting in and out of the tub has never been easier or safer. Labels: bath rails, bath safety by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]()
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Reports have been swirling about this flu season and the effect that it is having on our nation. What makes this season worse than normal? What can you do to protect yourself and your family?
Facts about Flu - This flu season has been especially bad for several reasons; first off, it reared it's ugly head about a month earlier than most seasons. This caught a lot of people off guard and unprepared. - We're dealing with two different, yet prevalent strains of the flu virus this year. The good news is that the flu shots are designed for these specific strains and is over 60% effective in stopping it. - The flu has been reported in 47 states. Will it get worse? Maybe not. By following a few easy steps we can all work to get ahead of this now. In fact, doctors think that the worst of it has already peaked in several states. So what can you do? - Get a flu shot. It's not too late and it can still help you this season. Call your doctor and schedule you're appointment today. - Wash your hands with warm water and soap regularly. Do no touch your face, mouth, or nose. And do not spend time around sick people. Sometimes it's hard to avoid family members or co-workers who have the illness, which means you need to use hand sanitizer and a lot of disinfectant. - If you do get sick, stay home. Rest is the best cure. If you have more severe symptoms then you should see a doctor. Staying home when you are sick is the best way to prevent the disease from spreading. - COLD OR FLU?: Influenza is not the only bug making people sick. The cold virus and a nasty stomach virus are also going around. It can sometimes be hard to tell the difference, but cold symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sore throat and sneezing. Flu usually involves fever, along with chills, headache and moderate-to-severe body aches and tiredness. Symptoms can come on rapidly, within three to six hours. Labels: flu by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments ![]() |