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Friday, September 14, 2012
As a dietician one of the best ways to keep track of my patient's progress is through body measurements. Therefore getting an accurate reading is key to the success of my program. With each measurement I am able to collect data and information that helps clue me in on which parts of the diet are working and which parts may need tweaking.

There is only one measuring tool that I rely on when it comes to precise circumferential measurements. It's the Gulick Tape, a 6 foot long tape measure with a spring weighted end that applies force to the tape measure assuring accurate reproducible results. These feature ensure that every  time I take a measurement I can rest easy that it's accurate.

Other tape measures and body tools are difficult to use, slip easily, are hard to wind back up, and give unreliable readings. The Gulick Tape is the solution to all of those problems and as someone who uses the Gulick Tape every day, I can't recommend it enough.

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