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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What's up, my good friends? Well, you know you want some Medline Non-Alcoholic Anti-Bacterial Mouth Rinse, 16 0z. You do know that, don't you?

Or what about the Invacare MULTI-Pik Reacher. Ain't it handy?

Get 'em all from DME Medical Supplies.

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by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Worried about the swine flu or other communicable diseases? Well, you should be. And you need to buy a nifty NIOSH-Approved Particulate Respirator MASK #N95 (a Box of 20) for only $25.15, as of today.

Flu Armour NIOSH Surgical N95 Particulate Respirators (Masks) uphold a filtration level and fluid resistance universally recognized in the prevention of the inhalation of airborne microorganisms. This medical grade respirator is intended for filtering out viral pathogens and effectively protecting the respiratory system (nose and mouth) in a pandemic flu environment. Respirators fold flat, making it portable and easy to store without being crushed.

So. Get yourself some. Before it's too late.

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by: DME Supply Group 0 Comments